Medical Aid

Medical help has been something we’ve always provided. While we’re not medical professionals, Genesis frequently works or volunteers as a medical translator with missions teams that come to Guatemala, including Children of the Americas and Possibilities International.

We provide a number of services under the scope of our medical aid program. These include:

Diabetic Education and Testing

diabetes program guatemalaWe offer free blood sugar testing to those who can’t afford a device of their own or pay for regular tests. However, we don’t stop with just checking blood sugar levels. We also educate on the importance of diet when controlling diabetes Type 2. Since the Guatemalan diet is heavy on tortillas and rice and bread, this education is much needed.

When someone can’t afford their medication, metformine or insulin, we also step in where possible to help out with these expenses, purchasing the medications and distributing them where necessary. We only distribute medications that have been prescribed by a doctor.

Blood Pressure Testing

Like diabetes, high blood pressure is a big problem in Guatemala, but most people don’t have the funds to check their pressure. We do this for them, free of cost. At this point, that means going to their home, but eventually, we want to set up a small clinic with a nurse or doctor where people can come for low cost or free healthcare.

When needed, we also dispense blood pressure medications. Again, this is only done when a doctor has prescribed a specific medication.


Medical Expenses

When possible, we aid people with their medical expenses. While the public hospitals in Guatemala are free, the patient must provide medication and any tests that are needed. Often, these are beyond the reach of a family that is barely managing to feed themselves, even when a test is relatively cheap.

This is where we can help out. We have a small medical fund that we dip into when needed to help with labs and medications, etc. when someone is ill. We’ve also contributed to surgery costs for children in need. It’s our dream to expand this part of our programs.

Upcoming Clinic

We are in the process of purchasing a piece of land in San Juan del Obispo where we will eventually have a medical clinic built. Above the clinic will be a living space for volunteers to stay in, which can be rented out as an Airbnb when no volunteers are staying here. While the vast majority of the land is being paid for out of pocket, we welcome donations to help out.
Please use the button below to donate specifically to the clinic fund.