Hot Chocolate for the Clinic Land

Guatemalan hot chocolate is simply amazing. Irving’s brother-in-law makes some pretty awesome chocolate and we’re now offering it as a fundraising item within Guatemala, though we do have a few that can be sent to the US, thanks to a generous friend.

What is Guatemalan hot chocolate? It’s basically cacao that is ground into a paste and mixed with sugar. We offer it with some cinnamon mixed in, or just plain . . . definitely recommend the cinnamon. The mixture is then patted out into rounds and partially cut into quarters. Four rounds make up a lb of hot chocolate with each quarter being enough for a cup. So you get 16 servings per pound.

To make it, just crumble a round into hot milk or water and continue heating and stirring until it all dissolves. This is a delicacy that you’ve got to taste to really appreciate it. There’s nothing better than fresh, natural chocolate and if you’ve ever lived in Guatemala, you know this will transport you right back here.

The lb of hot chocolate is $5, plus shipping. We don’t yet have an online store, but you can message Genesis at to order. We’ve got limited space going to the US, so order soon if you want yours to be shipped by Dec. 7th.

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